"Making things happen"

Environmental Policy

United Imperial Limited is committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:

  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of its fleet and the source of its power requirement (wherever practical).
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
  • Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
  • As far as the law in the jurisdictions in which we operate allow, the company retains the right to make business decisions based upon the interests and/or safety of it's shareholders, directors, employees, agents, other customers and the general public.

    Last reviewed: 19/06/2024

    M R Hancock

    Managing Director